Restoring chats in FM WhatsApp is a crucial process for users switching from the official WhatsApp or updating to a newer version of FM WhatsApp. Whether you are transitioning due to a new device or simply updating, ensuring that your previous conversations are not lost is essential. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to effectively restoring your chats in FM WhatsApp.
Step 1: Ensure Proper Backup from WhatsApp
Before you uninstall WhatsApp or switch to FM WhatsApp, confirm that your chat history is backed up. Go to WhatsApp, tap on 'Settings', then 'Chats', followed by 'Chat backup'. Here, you can manually initiate a backup to Google Drive or your device's local storage. Make sure the backup is completed by checking the timestamp of the last successful backup.
Step 2: Install FM WhatsApp
Download the latest version of FM WhatsApp from a trusted source such as FM WhatsApp. Remember, FM WhatsApp is not available on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store due to its unofficial status. After downloading the APK file, tap on it to begin the installation process, and grant the necessary permissions for installation from unknown sources if prompted by your device.
Step 3: Prepare for Restoration
Once FM WhatsApp is installed, open the app. Enter your phone number, the same one used in the official WhatsApp. You will receive a verification code via SMS. Enter this code to verify your account. This step is crucial as it aligns your existing backup with your new FM WhatsApp installation.
Step 4: Detect and Restore Backup
After verifying your phone number, FM WhatsApp will automatically search for backups on your device or linked Google Drive account. When it detects a backup, it will prompt you to restore your chats. Tap 'Restore' to begin the process. The duration of the restoration process depends on the backup size and your phone's processing power. Images, videos, and messages will be systematically restored.
Step 5: Confirm Restoration Success
Once the restoration process completes, FM WhatsApp will finalize the setup, and your chats should appear in the app just as they were before. You can now verify by opening various conversations to ensure that all data, including media and chat history, has been successfully restored.
Step 6: Adjust Settings for Future Backups
After successfully restoring your chats, consider adjusting your chat backup settings within FM WhatsApp to schedule regular backups. This precaution ensures that you won’t lose your messages in the future and simplifies the process of transferring or restoring data whenever needed.
By following these steps, you can seamlessly restore your chats in FM WhatsApp and continue your conversations without any hiccups. Regular backups are recommended to safeguard your data and ensure a straightforward restoration process anytime you need to transfer or reinstall FM WhatsApp. For more information and updates, visit FM WhatsApp.